SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Why I Resolved not to Make a Resolution this Year

We are a week into the new year and many resolutions have been broken already. The weights at the gym were just too heavy, that piece of pie was giving me the evil eye. You know the drill, resolutions usually well, they usually suck.

Why I Resolved not to Make a Resolution this Year

That is why I resolved not to make a resolution this year and you should too!

I know that’s a bit crude and offensive. When is the last time you made a goal on new years and kept it? Exactly!  Just like every other person you woke up with a resolution hangover.

Instead of taking one day a year to attack everything you think you want to change. Take baby steps, one goal at a time, one day at a time. I know there are many financial coaches and personal trainers cursing me right about now. But you know I am right.

Instead of waking up January 2nd, 7th or even February 1st with the realization that you failed at your goals once again. Wake up today and work on them today. Make it better than yesterday, then tomorrow repeat.

It is not that I am going to wander through this year into next aimless and without purpose. In fact, I bought this awesome calendar and planner from my friend Kelsey to just the opposite! I am just not going to be bound by the statistic that I will break some arbitrary New Year’s resolution. Instead, I am going to make 2016 the best it could ever be and then some, just without a resolution. Or perhaps for some it is better to say I simply resolve not to make and resolutions, how is that?

For some great articles on resolutions check out these:

A Psychologist’s Secrets To Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick

2016 New Year’s Resolutions For Lazy People

Zuckerberg’s New Year’s Resolution Is Cooler Than Yours

Obviously, it is totally up to you if you want to be in the 8 percent or would rather take each day one at a time. Whichever you choose I would love to hear your thoughts on the New Year. Do you have resolutions already? Have they been broken? Or did you do like I did and choose not to make them to begin with? I look forward to your thoughts.

About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.