SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Deciding to Follow and Became a Rhett’Neck

A night of worship has proven to be more of a blessing than every anticipated. As a music aficionado I am particular as to the concerts that I choose to attend and usually will try to get VIP, early access seats when possible as I don’t enjoy long lines and they tend to make the event more memorable. So was the case this weekend as I had procured VIP meet and greet early access tickets to see The Rhett Walker Band in concert.  I had tickets for both myself and my wife and we had planned to attend.  Apparently there were some different decisions being made as my bride fell ill and was unable to attend.  Out of the kindness of her heart and against the resistance of mine she convinced me to attend the show on my own. “I won’t be caged to the status quo. I’m not afraid to stand and say what people won’t.” -Rhett Walker Click To Tweet I am one of those married men that do not have many other male friends and I do not usually go anywhere social without my wife in tow, I mean by my side. However this evening I decided to go anyway, and figured I would just give away her ticket to someone and bless them in kind.  After calling everyone I thought might enjoy a  night out I ended up going to the show by myself with two tickets in hand. The evening started out as any normal show, I arrived at the […]

Faith or Fear the Choice is Yours

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10 NLT With words that powerful how can anyone be afraid, I mean He promises to hold us up and help us so what is there that we should FEAR? I am sure everyone has heard the acronym for F.E.A.R. right?  If not here it is False Evidence Appearing Real.  How often do we allow the seeds of someone else’s opinion to invade our minds? For I hold you by your right hand- I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid I am here to help you.’ ~Isaiah 41:13 NLT Wow!  God himself has promised to help us, yet we allow every day failures to impede our path.  We focus on the worst case scenario of any challenge we may face.  We all have awoken from a deep sleep in a cold sweat from a crazy dream where our FEARs come true. It makes a little sense though if we take a look at the weapons that are used against us to weaken us into submission and FEAR: 1.) Self-doubt – we get in our own heads and interfere with the work we are here to do. 2.) Opinions of others – whether in high school or in the workforce jealousy brings out the naysayers. 3.) Our past – we live an relive out past that […]

Becoming more than just another tool in the tool shed

  Picture yourself entering into you’re a large tool shed in the backyard gentlemen, you step inside and the smell of rust and sweat wafers out into the sunlight. You take a moment as your eyes adjust to the darkness within and you reach for the lone light bulb dangling from a rope in the middle of the shed. As the aged bulb flutters on and off as the filament heats up, your eyes adjust to the dimly lit shed. Within this old shed there are tools, tools on the walls hanging from pegs, tools leaning in all directions against the walls where they were left in a hurry. There are still more tools that have fallen off the aged hooks that lie on the floor in disarray. You search for the right tool that you need for the pressing job that is still on you honey-do-list. In the dim light, even as the bulb flickers above it is still difficult to see every part of the shed. You are forced to trust your instincts and remember back to the last time you used that tool where you may have put it as you fumble around in the darkness, tripping over the scattered tools on the floor. Finally you find the tool for the job, you breathe a sigh of relief and frustration at the mess you have left the old shed. You think to yourself that you really need to clean this mess up, but again it is left for another day. Imagine if […]