SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How LinkedIn Almost Fired Me

linkedin, twitter, facebookAnyone that uses social media to any extent knows the rules change. Just look at Facebook recently, and apparently LinkedIn as well.

The developers of the social media websites and applications make changes all the time. Some are for privacy, functionality or well  just because. That last one is the tricky one.

As a user, when we use their product we accept the responsibility that no matter how their app works, defame or maims us we cannot hold them liable.

I recently learned this the hard way. I fired myself on LinkedIn and did not even know it.

Recently I updated my LinkedIn work experience to include a couple more items. I added blogging on this site as well as the freelance writing I do for Father Jerzy’s Road to Sainthood. Sounds innocent enough…right?

Soon after making the changes I started getting congratulations notifications from people in my network. It is awesome whenever we get kudos especially for our art.  I received some personal notes that really made my day. Then I started to wonder what all the fuss was really about…

Thankfully, I am not networked with my manager on LinkedIn.

This became evident when a coworker at my day job stopped by my desk. They were checking to see if I had left yet and wanted to know if I was fired or quit.

A bit confused, they said my LinkedIn profile said I had a new gig. I checked did.. it had fired me from my day job.

Apparently when you add work experience on LinkedIn, it defaults you to ‘yes’ to end your previous position. So in adding my other work, I inadvertently fired myself or quit my day job.

Lessons learned…

  • If you make a change, no matter how simple be sure it is correct.

  • Always helps to check your changes.

  • Be gracious when receiving accolades they may be in error.

In chasing my dream job  it nearly cost me the day job that finances my dream job. It helps to double-check anything you put out on the internet…everyone will believe it.

Now it’s your turn, have you ever made a change or post that you  wished you could take back? What did you do to recover or correct the error?

About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

10 Replies

  1. Since becoming a stay at home mom, I have been super nervous to change my LinkedIn profile because I don’t want to seem like I am out of the loop. Like you, I freelance for different groups and manage a blog for a small non-profit – all on a part-time basis, but I don’t want to change my last “professional” role so that it triggers all of those notifications on other profiles. I almost feel that those who need to know what is going on in my professional and personal life already know and when/if the time comes for me to go back to work outside of the home, then I will make that call to update my profile once I find new employment.

    1. I totally understand, I thought by adding the experience it would add value not confusion. Thankfully it was caught before too much damage. Thanks for your comments.

  2. I’m still new to this platform. I don’t use it much.

    1. Can be useful if used differently than other networks, specifically only for professional use versus more personal. Thanks as always David for reading and commenting!

  3. oh this is funny! I don’t even have my day job on my social media. very interesting – I’ll pay more attention from now on thanks!

    1. In hindsight I wonder if I ever should have, yet with LinkedIn I use it for networking for both my day and dream jobs. Thanks for your valuable comments.

  4. Amy Stafford

    That is pretty funny, something that I would do. I need to pay attention when I change settings. Thanks.

    1. Amazing how easily things can go astray.. a simple change can make a mess of things.

  5. You definitely have to be careful. It’s easy to make changes and not understand the impact. I haven’t had your exact experience, but understand the magnitude. Thanks for sharing!

    1. One would think something like work experience in the past would not terminate your future..definitely best to double check.